Smegma is a substance that forms under the foreskin. Smegma is an oily and irritating substance. It has a strong and very unpleasant smell. It can cause swelling in the nearby skin and make intercourse uncomfortable. The penis and pelvic area should be washed regularly and kept clean. Wash the penis thoroughly before and after each intercourse. Avoid wearing tight underwear that can easily cause bad breath.

Sex is a very important part of life.
But what is sex?
Most people are shy, ashamed or worried about other people’s judgment about sex. Sex is pleasurable. Sex is beautiful. Sex is natural. Don’t let dogma, friends and family, or toxic influences tell you otherwise.

While having sex with a partner, it is important to keep them relaxed and in good mood. Putting full weight on the partner can spoil the sex. If you put your full weight on them it can create discomfort causing them to feel suffocated or breathe hard. It is always best to take care of your partner by not making them feel uncomfortable or exerting an unwanted force onto them. One can use variety of sex positions to avoid putting weight on the partner.

Some do the sex as a mechanical act. It is totally wrong. Sex is not like a pumping activity like one do at the gym. Most people don’t enjoy such a mechanical act. Sex is about feeling good and connecting. Try mixing things up with some variety to spice things up. Enjoy sex with different positions and different places.iation. Start at first with gentle strokes. Then go harder. This will for sure keep sex interesting for both.

Genitals – vagina and penis – are great parts in sex. No doubt. Let’s not forget about the other part of body, which is also highly erogenous zone for men as well as women. Explore all parts of the partner’s body Explore different parts of the body and gently caress them. Focus and pay attention on parts of lover’s body like back of neck, knees, wrists, back and stomach etc. Enjoy the excitement.

Dr. Vijayakumar did his MBBS in Kilpauk Medical College and later went on to Madras Medical College for his Master courses in Clinical Pathology. He underwent masters in Psychology and Yoga. Underwent Fellowship training in Andrology and Clinical Embryology by Prof Ariff Bongso. Did his PhD in Hormones, Yoga and Sexual problems. He has been trained by the Council of Sex Education & Parenthood International (India). He was the first medical professional to start an exclusive clinic for the management of sexual problems in Salem,Tamil Nadu in the year 1988. He has put up more than thirty years experience. He has offered professional help to thousands of persons especially newly married. Besides treating sexual dysfunctions, he is also an expert in treating pre-marital counselling.
Trekking and offroad jeeping are his other passions.