Sexual child abuse

Sexual perversion is an old-fashioned diagnostic term.

Previously normal sexual activity is defined as the genital penetration – coitus with a person of the opposite sex to achieve orgasm. Any other activity other than coitus is considered outside the norms of sexual desire and function.

Sexual perversion is understood to be a deviation from intuition. That is a predetermined behavior that is invariable as regards both its performance and its object.

Lesbianism and homosexuality are on the rise. Easy availability of porn from internet and internet prostitution – easy sex services like call women, escorts make it worse. Many need changes in sexual activities in the form of oral sex (Penis and vaginal sucking), Anal Sex and  6 by 9 sex position. Fashionable prostitution is increasing from the internet even in developing countries like India.

Sexual perversion is emerging as a Global Iceberg disease phenomenon as PORN CDs and Internet Sex Videos and Photos are easily available. Sexual fantasies in masturbation are also a new entity in this area.

The iceberg phenomenon is a situation in which a large percentage of a problem is subclinical, unreported, or otherwise hidden from view. This is also applicable to sexual perversions. Thus, only the “tip of the iceberg” is apparently seen. This is what happening in our global society in context of sexual perversions. Problematic sexual behavior through smartphone’s internet usage in the form of PORN WATCHING is increasingly found to have problematic sexual behaviors and it is rapidly evolving due to the easy and increasing accessibility of online sexual content and the immediate connectivity.

The sexual slurs and cheap jokes doing rounds inside our home, male chauvinism, considering eve teasing as sort of sport, inappropriate touching in the public transport etc are appearing as new forms of acts of perverts.

The most common sexual paraphilias appearing in society are

According to some sexologists and psychologists voyeurism is not considered as unusual sexual activity. Sigmund Freud linked this to a fundamentally healthy scopophilic drive.

Undoubtedly, the rise in pornography viewing is appearing directly proportional to the rise in the number of rape cases, sexual violence and the social degeneration.

     Dr. Vijayakumar did his MBBS in Kilpauk Medical College and later went on to Madras Medical College for his Master courses in Clinical Pathology. He underwent masters in Psychology and Yoga. Underwent Fellowship training in Andrology and Clinical Embryology by Prof Ariff Bongso. Did his PhD in Hormones, Yoga and Sexual problems. He has been trained by the Council of Sex Education & Parenthood International (India). He was the first medical professional to start an exclusive clinic for the management of sexual problems in Salem,Tamil Nadu in the year 1988. He has put up more than thirty years experience. He has offered professional help to thousands of persons especially newly married. Besides treating sexual dysfunctions, he is also an expert in treating pre-marital counselling.

Trekking and offroad jeeping are his other passions.
