Walking is one of the best exercises to improve the sex drive. Brisk walking helps to improve erection problem. Increased blood flow and good circulation is helpful in penis erection. Walking improves circulation and strengthens the heart and muscles. The result can be stronger and longer erections. Walking also helps strengthen bones and reduce joint pain, both of which may be an issue with aging men. Walking burns calories and reduces stress, boosting energy levels and improving mood.

Power walking is a great way to tone the body and to get stronger sex. Walking exercise has been found to boost the libido and enhance orgasmic pleasure. One should walk hard enough to boost the heart rate to 70% to 85% of its maximum. Walking should be done for at least 40 to 60 minutes and three times a week to get optimal results. Start off by walking at a normal pace for about 10 minutes, followed by an intense pace for 2 minutes. After this go back to regular pace Power walking allows one to burn extra calories, without feeling too exhausted, too soon.

30 minutes brisk walking burns up to 250 calories. Just plain walking can get boring. However, one can make their walking routine more interesting and fun by incorporating some bodyweight exercises in between. In the middle of the walking routine, do lunges, squats, pushups, kick-backs and high knees. Again walk for another session. This will increase the heart rate in a healthy way and also help to work those muscles which aren’t much used while walking.

Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening the muscles that support the knees and hips. Strong hip muscles are good for sex. Uphill walking is a great way to tone up and burn fat. One can also climb up the stairs at home. The point is to make the walk more challenging. It will work the glutes, calves and quadriceps. So get out there and conquer those hills!

The American Heart Association recommends walking 10,000 steps a day. It will result in a healthy heart and good circulation. Better penile circulation improves erection. Increasing the daily step count will help improve the stamina, thereby allowing one to perform better sex. A brisk 5 kilometer walk each day is better than Viagra.

Fast walking is a stress buster. It helps to clear the mind and de-stresses. Reduced levels of stress and anxiety are known secrets for better sexual health. Many men lose their potential as they age because of stress, anxiety and other health issues. Fast walking, when combined with not smoking, losing weight can help increase their sexual performance. These men can perform better sex without any medication or supplements. Fast walking stimulates the heart and improves blood flow throughout the body, including to the penis. It also increases testosterone levels, which not only has a direct effect on sexual performance but indirectly impacts a man’s libido.
Reduced penile blood flow and poor erection give the first warning signs of heart problems. Brisk walking has dual benefits. Not only does it maintain blood flow and prevent impotence – it also prevents heart attacks.
Dr. Vijayakumar did his MBBS in Kilpauk Medical College and later went on to Madras Medical College for his Master courses in Clinical Pathology. He underwent masters in Psychology and Yoga. Underwent Fellowship training in Andrology and Clinical Embryology by Prof Ariff Bongso. Did his PhD in Hormones, Yoga and Sexual problems. He has been trained by the Council of Sex Education & Parenthood International (India). He was the first medical professional to start an exclusive clinic for the management of sexual problems in Salem,Tamil Nadu in the year 1988. He has put up more than thirty years experience. He has offered professional help to thousands of persons especially newly married. Besides treating sexual dysfunctions, he is also an expert in treating pre-marital counselling.
Trekking and offroad jeeping are his other passions.