5 Facts about vagina

5 Facts about vagina

The vaginal canal is a tube-shaped structure that connects the uterus to the outside of a woman’s body. The vagina provides a passageway for menstrual blood to exit the body and for children to be born. The vagina has elastic walls and tends to expand during sexual arousal or when it being penetrated by an erect penis. Many don’t know about the normal vaginal canal which is internal and other external structures of the vulva, such as labia and clitoris.

5 Facts about vagina

The average depth of the vagina is 3-4 inches. However, the length of the vagina may vary from woman to woman and it can increase with arousal. Some women’s vaginas are up to 7 inches long. A woman’s vaginal opening often looks like a tiny vertical slit between the top of the inner labia. The vagina is an elastic organ that stretches and lengthens as needed. It can stretch considerably longer when an erect penis is inserted. When not being penetrated or occupied by another object, the vagina normally stays at its resting length. The circumference of the vagina can increase to accept something as wide as a baby’s head, giving birth.

5 Facts about vagina

The inside of the vagina is like a long tube with folded areas that can expand and contract. Most vaginas are narrower toward the vaginal opening and wider toward the cervix. This usually forms a “V” shape, although the width at the widest point can vary. When she is not aroused, the walls of the vagina are usually touching each other. But she is turned on or has sex, it widen and relax to make room for objects to pass through.

5 Facts about vagina

When sexually stimulated the vaginal canal dilates and expands exponentially. This is why foreplay is so important for many women, especially when they have baseline shorter canals. When she is having sex and friction is applied to the outer labia, the inner labia become stimulated as well.  The vagina is much like a sock being held together by an elastic band. It can stretch out and then return to a normal size.

5 Facts about vagina

After childbirth, the vagina may seem wider or looser than before. This is because the vaginal tissues expand to make room for baby to pass down the birth canal. The vagina may return to its pre-pregnancy size after three weeks or so, but it can remain slightly widened for up to six months after delivery. The increased blood flow during cause the labia to darken and even cause a slight change in shape.

5 Facts about vagina

Many people think that frequent sex will make the vagina loose. It is not true. A youthful and tight vagina does not equal a “loose” vagina. What makes a vagina droop is age. This doesn’t mean that one can’t have tight vagina during intercourse. PC muscles tightening exercise will help to control the vaginal tightness. Actually, vagina is designed to be strong and elastic. It will not become loose. Sometimes, a change in the shape caused by childbirth or menopause may be possible but this has nothing to do with how often one has sex.

     Dr. Vijayakumar did his MBBS in Kilpauk Medical College and later went on to Madras Medical College for his Master courses in Clinical Pathology. He underwent masters in Psychology and Yoga. Underwent Fellowship training in Andrology and Clinical Embryology by Prof Ariff Bongso. Did his PhD in Hormones, Yoga and Sexual problems. He has been trained by the Council of Sex Education & Parenthood International (India). He was the first medical professional to start an exclusive clinic for the management of sexual problems in Salem,Tamil Nadu in the year 1988. He has put up more than thirty years experience. He has offered professional help to thousands of persons especially newly married. Besides treating sexual dysfunctions, he is also an expert in treating pre-marital counselling.

Trekking and offroad jeeping are his other passions.
