Remedy for premature ejaculation

premature ejaculation

There are 2 types of premature ejaculation.

        Primary PME

        Secondary PME

Primary premature ejaculation – where you have always had the problem

Secondary premature ejaculation or “acquired premature ejaculation” – where you recently developed the problem

The causes of primary premature ejaculation are often psychological, such as having a traumatic sexual experience at an early age.

Secondary premature ejaculation can be caused by both psychological and physical factors. Physical causes can include drinking too much alcohol and prostate inflammation.

     The exact cause of premature ejaculation is not known.

Previously it was thought PME is mainly due to psychological causes. But recent studies suggest that premature ejaculation involves complex interactions of psychological and biological factors.

     Men who are anxious about obtaining or maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse at increased risk of premature ejaculation

Fear of losing your erection might cause you to consciously or unconsciously hurry through sexual encounters.

    Many men with premature ejaculation have problems with anxiety – especially those related to sexual performance or other issues.

     Emotional or mental strain in any part of your life can play a role in PME, restricting your ability to relax and focus on sex.

     One may have had satisfactory sex with other partners where premature ejaculation rarely occurs or not at all occur. But he may have recurrent premature ejaculation with wife or current partner. In such cases personal issues between him and wife or current partner may contribute to the problem

     Premature ejaculation can cause major problems in personal life. It depends on whether one is in relationship or not. If it is not in relationship, then it is not a major problem.

     Stress and relationship problems

     Fertility problems 

     A common complication of premature ejaculation is relationship stress. Wife will be sexually dissatisfied and then may not be happy. This will lead to troubles in personal life. It can cause mental trauma and split in between couple.

     Premature ejaculation can occasionally make fertilization difficult for couples who are trying to have a baby if ejaculation doesn’t occur intravaginally


Although many men feel embarrassed talking about it, premature ejaculation is a common and treatable condition. Medications, counseling and sexual techniques that delay ejaculation — or a combination of these — can improve sex.


     Yes, premature ejaculation can be controlled. Keep in mind that it might take time for the improvement. Generally the combination of treatments will work well.

Common treatment options for premature ejaculation include

     Both are NOT the same.

Premature ejaculation is calculated by the time taken by the man to ejaculate semen after inserting penis into vagina. But erectile dysfunction, sometimes known as impotency, is a condition in which a man has difficulty in attaining or retaining the erection in order to have sexual intercourse.

     Dr. Vijayakumar did his MBBS in Kilpauk Medical College and later went on to Madras Medical College for his Master courses in Clinical Pathology. He underwent masters in Psychology and Yoga. Underwent Fellowship training in Andrology and Clinical Embryology by Prof Ariff Bongso. Did his PhD in Hormones, Yoga and Sexual problems. He has been trained by the Council of Sex Education & Parenthood International (India). He was the first medical professional to start an exclusive clinic for the management of sexual problems in Salem,Tamil Nadu in the year 1988. He has put up more than thirty years experience. He has offered professional help to thousands of persons especially newly married. Besides treating sexual dysfunctions, he is also an expert in treating pre-marital counselling.

Trekking and offroad jeeping are his other passions.
